Mar 7, 2013 - Communication    No Comments

Our Report Script

There as today been an attack on the LNS playground, 8 boys have been seriously injured and traumatised by Peter ‘The Ninja’. Witnesses say that he ran out of the lunch hall screaming that there had been no raps, and then violently knocked to the ground the 8 closest boys to him. The names of the boys have not been realeast for privercy reasons. After the event we managed to get an interview with the head police officer in charge.

We know he was not in the wright state of mind we the attack took place. We have sent the boy to a physiologist to see what was wrong with him at the time, but currently we are trying to do all we can for the injured victims. That is all we can say at the moment.

We hope to gain more information as the story progreses.

Arthur Davies Reaporting from the Lns playround.


This looks good, Arthur!

I suggest you replace the word “Floored” with something a little less colloquial, like knocked to the ground.

This would lend itself brilliantly to having a sound bite from a witness to the atrocity.


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