Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
‘That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold.’ This shows that Lady Macbeth is stronger and more mainly than people who’s job seams to suggest they should be able to drink a lot. ‘Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done ’t.’ I think this shows that even though…
who is to blame for king Duncan’s death
THE KING IS DEAD, THE KING IS DEAD, but who is to blame. Who could do a thing like this. Well in my opinion there are three culprits non of witch are completely to blame non of witch are completely innocent. These three are, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, and the witches. Macbeth is key to the…
My lovely wife. I have news that will bring great news to you. The battle was long and brutal many of my comrades lay down there lives but we were able to rise up and crush are enemy. It was my hand that cut down Mcdonald with my own hands. You my love, will be…
Saving Private Ryan review (SPOILERS)
PLOT A group of eight solders, led by Captain Miller (Tom Hanks) must fight their way across occupied France to save the life of one young man by the name of Ryan. Steven Speilberg makes two types of film; the emotional epic, and the hard to watch gritty, scary film. What makes Saving Private Ryan…
Richard Parker’s Perspective
This is the scene we have been studying at school. What is that sound. It’s a sort of groaning. Wait, that sound means food. Must be food time. Food food food food food. I never liked this hallway. It seems a cramped and dark, but anyway, food food food. Oh, look it’s one of those…
My Survival Story
The trip had not been a good one. It was only after getting on board the Freedom Of The Seas, which was a very big boat, that Jerry realised he suffered from sea sickness. Jerry had hoped this trip would give him some time to relax, but instead he had just been lying his room…
The Battle of the Cowshed
This is stupid. How on earth are we going to beat these people? They have guns and knives. I’m just a sheep. How can a sheep have any hope of surviving? I trust the pigs and I trust Snowball but when their plan involves us just milling about while the humans are running at us…
From reading, 10 new words and their definitions
From The Hobbit Throng – a large group of people gathered or crowded closely together; Transcription – the process of writing something down Primly – very formal and correct in behaviour and easily shocked by anything rude Seldom – almost never Inconveniencing – causing problems or difficulties for someone Goblin – small, ugly creature that…
How Orwell makes every thing seem alright.
Squealer makes the animals feel bad by telling the other animals that Napoleon is making the hard choice. “I trust that every animal here appreciates the sacrifice that Comrade Napoleon has made.” Orwell begins Squealer’s speech by addressing the other animals. This makes the animals feel guilty about blaming Napoleon and more eager for him…
Responsive Acrostic
(response to Flannan Isle) Wild horses gallop with glee, Atmospheric sky spells stormy doom, Typhoon twirls in its new dress, Excited storm beats the cowardly cliff, Rowdy rain pummels Flannan Isle.
Got any book recommendations?