This is one of the most entertaining books I have ever read. The Wolf Of Wall Street can make you laugh, which is something that I think most books forget to do.
I like this book because Jordan Belford makes no attempt to justify, to the reader, why he did the things he did. There are very few moments were the writer try’s to get are sympathy. He is fully aware the things he did were wrong but he also knows that most people want to live like that.
The writer is very clever. He is able to make the book a page turner bye very simple means, firstly the story he is telling is very entertaining and griping, secondly he can add suspense at every chapter. He is also very good at explaining how economics work and making the parts in the book that are full of economics, readably and fun.
The only things that this book suffers from are the fact that Jordan Belford is not a writer. There are very few moments of clever writing techniques and when they are used they feel very forced. The other thing is that this book is very long and can get a bit receptive.
All in all I would say that if your looking for a book full of sex then this is not the book for you. However this book is fun and interesting.